ISO 400 f/18 1/100 seconds
Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/3.5 1/40 seconds
Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/11 1/4 seconds
Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/22 1.0 seconds
In the first image, the background is soft. This creates a lack of information and detail. For example, the time written on the clock is unclear. In the second image, the background is still soft but less than the first one. The information and detail are starting to become more clear. The numbers on the time are more legible. Although, the shaping of the numbers aren't clear enough. In the last image, the background is sharp and clear. We can see all of the detail and information everywhere in the background from a small aperture.
Camera settings:
ISO 800 f/22 1/40 seconds
Camera settings:
ISO 200 f/5.6 1/160 seconds
The background is blurry and has a shallow depth of field. With a bigger aperture, the background and the subject are closer together. It creates a flatness to the image. With a smaller aperture, the image has more distortion and we're able to see the the subject and the background separately. The background has a deep depth of field.
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