Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Lab 4

High Key

Low Key

Variety of tones

a) For my high-key image, most of the pixels fall on the right of the histogram.
b) No, there aren't any pixels in the high-key image that wouldn't print with detail.  
c) For my low-key image, most of the pixels fall on the left of the histogram.  
d) No, there aren't any pixels in the low-key image that wouldn't print with detail.  
e) For my varied tones image, most of the pixels fall on the right of the histogram.  
f) No, there aren't any pixels in the varied tones image that wouldn't print with detail.  
g) No, because the histogram on my camera doesn't correspond to the one on Lightroom so I think that the settings on my camera aren't properly adjusted.  
h) The varied tones shows the most dynamic range because the gamut takes up the whole histogram and it isn't too high up meaning that there aren't any strong highlights.  

Assignment 1 Creative use of shutter speed and aperture

Fast shutter speed

Slow shutter speed

Deep depth of field

Shallow depth of field

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Lens Depth Distortion

      Wide Angle 
  • 18 mm (28 mm equivalent) 2-3 meters from the people 
  • Lockers are stretched and give an allusion of leading to somewhere
  • Distortion of the floor, lockers and background.  
  • Subjects are taller from the distortion.


  • 55 mm (80 mm equivalent) 2-3 meters from the people
  • Lockers are compressed.
  • Less distortion of the floor, lockers and background.  
  • The subjects seem smaller from the lack of distortion.  

Wide Angle

  • 18 mm (28 mm equivalent) 2 meters from the object
  • The background is far from the object and the space behind the object is wide and spacious.  
  • Distortion of the floor, object and background.  
  • Objects are bigger, taller and more stretched.  


  • 55 mm (80 mm equivalent) 2 meters from the object
  • Background and objects are close and compressed. 
  • Less distortion from the background, floor and objects.  
  • Objects are smaller and compressed.  

When you go from a wide angle lens to a telephoto lens, the width of the background is smaller and has less distance.  It also comes closer to the object which creates a compression and a lack of distance.  When the subject is expanded and enlarged, it looks taller and longer.  An object that's contracted and compacted looks smaller.  

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

White Balance

White balance: Auto White Balance
ISO 400 f/5.6 1/100 seconds

White balance: Daylight
ISO 400 f/5.6 1/100 seconds

White balance: Fluorescent 
ISO 400 f/5.6 1/100 seconds

The colours go from warm to cold in each image.  They also go from a neutral colour to a orange and then to a purple pink environment.  

Wrong white balance: Cloudy
ISO 400 f/5.6 1/100 seconds

This white balances gives a very warm feeling, the model has a very warm and content facial expression which corresponds with the warmth of the white balance.  Although, the saturation of the white balance is too strong and doesn't go with the environment.  Usually, for this kind of portrait, the colours should be more neutral.  

Noise Reduction

Low Noise ISO 100 F/5.6 1/320 seconds 

 Standard Noise ISO 100 f/5.6 1/320 seconds

Strong Noise ISO 100 f/5.6 1/320 seconds

Low Noise ISO 800 F/5.6 1/2500 seconds

Standard Noise ISO 800 F/5.6 1/2500 seconds

Strong Noise ISO 800 F/5.6 1/2500 seconds

Low Noise ISO 6400 F/13 1/4000 seconds

Standard Noise ISO 6400 F/13 1/4000 seconds

Strong Noise ISO 6400 F/13 1/4000 seconds

Every time my ISO goes up, the noise increases.  But with the use of strong noise reduction, it reduces the noise and detail by a lot.  I would use this method to reduce the noise reduction in my images because it's very helpful for when you take pictures in the late afternoon.  The best noise reduction setting that reduces noise without losing sharpness is standard because it takes a good amount of noise away but also maintains the sharpness.  

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Lab 2

ISO 400 f/18 1/100 seconds

Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/3.5 1/40 seconds

Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/11 1/4 seconds

Camera settings:
ISO 400 f/22 1.0 seconds

In the first image, the background is soft.  This creates a lack of information and detail.  For example, the time written on the clock is unclear.  In the second image, the background is still soft but less than the first one.  The information and detail are starting to become more clear. The numbers on the time are more legible.  Although, the shaping of the numbers aren't clear enough.  In the last image, the background is sharp and clear.  We can see all of the detail and information everywhere in the background from a small aperture.  

Camera settings:
  ISO 800 f/22 1/40 seconds 

Camera settings: 
ISO 200 f/5.6 1/160 seconds

The background is blurry and has a shallow depth of field.  With a bigger aperture, the background and the subject are closer together.  It creates a flatness to the image. With a smaller aperture, the image has more distortion and we're able to see the the subject and the background separately.  The background has a deep depth of field. 

Save the pixels - Lab 10

Save the pixels - Lab 10